The extent of help websites bring to people’s learning is immeasurable. The great thing about these beneficial websites is that it can be accessed conveniently for further advancements in learning. Multiply your knowledge and explore this list of 15 websites that discuss social studies, all available within your convenience.
Hippocampus offers a great way of expanding your learning towards the branches of Economics, Sociology, History & Government, as well as on Arithmetic, Chemistry, Religion, Calculus and more. This is a free educational resource that extends from various educational sources such as Khan Academy and The Concord Consortium, which aims to gear student’s learning on many fields. As created by the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education, Hippocampus is an insightful collection of stimulating activities and presentations on several academic subjects. The website’s contents are directed toward high school as well as college students, all appropriately useful.
iCivics is the ideal spot for all teachers because of the website’s friendly and effective service. It highly supports teachers to enhance their presentation of knowledge towards students and for classroom activities. Its remarkable features include lesson plan, which can be highly useful for a more organized learning objective and exhibition, as well as support materials that will help in guiding teacher’s activities with pre- and post discussion questions. In addition to that, it also helps teachers monitor their student’s learning through tracking, assignment and reporting tools. Through iCivics boundless comprehensibility, students can be more well informed and proficient when it comes to civic discourse.
Classroom Law Project
Essential learning participation
Upon entrance to this website, a wide striking quote will deliver you to what the website stands for. It states, “Democracy, civics and active participation in the community are not things with which we are born — they must be learned.” This saying basically suits Classroom Law Project’s mission in bringing important and winsome education programs that deal with Civics and Law, into Oregon schools. This helps in giving students at any level the right skills and values that will mold them into better and participating citizens of society. The website’s innovative, entertaining and practical programs continuously inspire students and teachers across Oregon.
Historical Thinking Matters
Historical Thinking Matters is a website that will enlighten you how learning about history is something that substantially matters. This website is made available because of Sam Wineburg and Roy N. Rosenzweig’s collaboration, which goes beyond providing historical materials for students. Its primary aim is to teach students on how to actually “think historically”, and more than just merely stacking historical information in their heads. This exceptional website had been awarded in 2008 by the American Historical Association that recognizes its innovation which produced the “most outstanding contribution to the teaching of history in any field.”
Teaching Tolerance
Teaching Tolerance offers K-12 educators across Canada and the U.S. free and effective educational materials, which can be simply accessed using keywords. The website features lesson plans, advice and support, school life insights as well as teaching strategies. In addition to that, it also provides a collection of K-12 activities, known as Mix It Up, which greatly contributes in the exploration of social boundaries for teachers and school groups.
Discovery Education Virtual Field Trips
Virtual world escapade
The four corners of the classroom shouldn’t limit student’s exploration of the world’s magnificence. Through Discovery Education Virtual Field Trips, teachers can take their students towards the most iconic destinations, essential for their learning experiences. Teachers can immerse students into a field trip of world insight and adventure without having to spend a single penny or taking a walk outside their classrooms. Enter the world’s most scenic places; listen to the United States’ President, discover NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center or wander through the National Archives in a fun and educational escapade, all for free.
World History Matters
World History Matters brings you to a larger world of history websites. Want to learn more about the Amboyna Conspiracy Trial? Then this website will take you to its site at an instant. If you want to indulge in world history sources to assist you in understanding various issues of world history, then you don’t need to locate your eyes any farther. World History Matters will drive you back into the French Revolution, the fall of Communism, and give you a deeper understanding on the children, youth and women in world history.
Digital History
Enhanced history research
With a starting line that states, “using new technologies to enhance teaching and research” – Digital historical definitely proves just why. This all-embracing website brings you back into the Colonial era, Civil War, Gilded Age, Vietnam War, the first Americans, the Great Depression and into more momentous eras of history. You can search through extensive topics about history, may it be on architecture, slavery, immigration & ethnicity, food and others. It also provides resources and references to further widen your knowledge about history. Teachers can also make use of lesson plans, quizzes and classroom handouts provided by the website.
Utah Education Network Student Interactives
Utah Education Network Student Interactives offers wide-ranging activities for students of specific interactives. Students of level 3-6 can learn about Ancient Civilizations, Current events, U.S. History, U.S. Government, and about Geography levels. Anyone can explore about the meaning behind map keys and symbols; locate any address’ latitude and longitude; and learn how to read a map grid through the website’s geography games and tests. For the K-2 Student Interactives, students can browse activities dealing with Art & Music, Writing, Brain Games, Math, Tumbletown Tales, Health, reading, ABC’s and many more engaging interests. Aside from that, it also provides an Online Library, which gives access to research databases and collections.
Smithsonian Education
Comprehensive Educational Resources
This website is a portal towards total advancement on educational resources. You can access to more than 2,000 resources and browse about Language Arts, History & Culture, IdeaLabs, Art & Design as well as Science & Technology. Smithsonian Education offers summer and online workshops, along with programs and opportunities for professional development. Moreover, users can likewise browse on lesson plans, wrapped with complete materials such as handouts, standard information, activities, online resources and more.